const net = require('net'); const protobufjs = require('protobufjs'); const hexSha1 = require('hex-sha1'); const ProtoId = require('./protoid'); const Pb = require('./pb.json'); const ProtoName = {}; Object.keys(ProtoId).forEach((key) => { ProtoName[ProtoId[key]] = key; }); let id = 1; /** * Socket模块 */ class Socket { /** * Creates an instance of Socket. * @param {string} ip OpenD服务Ip * @param {number} port OpenD服务端口 * @param {object} logger 日志对象 */ constructor(ip, port, logger) { /** * OpenD服务IP * @type {string} */ this.ip = ip; /** * OpenD服务端口 * @type {number} */ this.port = port; /** * 日志对象 * @type {object} */ this.logger = logger; id += 1; /** * socket id,自增,用于区分多个socket。 * @type {number} */ = id; /** * socket名称,用于区分多个socket。 * @type {string} */ = `Socket(${})`; /** * socket是否已经连接 * @type {boolean} */ this.isConnect = false; /** * 请求序列号,自增 * @type {number} */ this.requestId = 1000; // 请求序列号,自增 this.isHandStop = false; this.root = protobufjs.Root.fromJSON(Pb); this.cacheResponseCallback = {}; // 缓存的回调函数 this.cacheNotifyCallback = {}; // 缓存的通知回调函数 this.header = null; // 缓存接收的数据包头 this.recvBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); // 缓存接收的数据 this.socket = new net.Socket(); this.socket.setKeepAlive(true); this.socket.on('error', (data) => { this.logger.error(`${} on error: ${data}`); this.socket.destroy(); this.isConnect = false; }); this.socket.on('timeout', (e) => { this.logger.error(`${} on timeout.`, e); this.socket.destroy(); this.isConnect = false; }); // 为客户端添加“close”事件处理函数 this.socket.on('close', () => { if (this.isHandStop) return; const errMsg = `${} on closed and retry connect on 5 seconds.`; this.logger.error(errMsg); this.isConnect = false; // 5s后重连 if (this.timerRecontent) return; this.timerRecontent = setTimeout(() => { this.init(); }, 5000); }); // 接收数据 this.socket.on('data', (data) => { this.recvBuffer = Buffer.concat([this.recvBuffer, data]); this.parseData(); }); } async init() { if (this.isConnect) return; await this.connect(); } /** * 立即建立连接 */ async connect() { this.isHandStop = false; return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.timerRecontent) { clearTimeout(this.timerRecontent); this.timerRecontent = null; } this.socket.connect({ port: this.port, host: this.ip, timeout: 1000 * 30, }, async () => { this.logger.debug(`${} connect success:${this.ip}:${this.port}`); this.isConnect = true; if (typeof this.connectCallback === 'function') this.connectCallback(); resolve(); }); }); } async close() { this.socket.end(); this.socket.destroy(); this.isHandStop = true;'手动关闭 socket 。'); } /** * 设置连接成功的回调函数 * * @param {function} cb * @memberof Socket */ onConnect(cb) { this.connectCallback = cb; } /** * 注册协议的通知 * * @param {number} protoId 协议id * @param {function} callback 回调函数 */ subNotify(protoId, callback) { this.cacheNotifyCallback[protoId] = callback; } /** * 删除一个通知 * @param {number} protoId 协议id */ unsubNotify(protoId) { if (this.cacheNotifyCallback[protoId]) { delete this.cacheNotifyCallback[protoId]; } } /** * 发送数据 * * @async * @param {string} protoName 协议名称 * @param {object} message 要发送的数据 */ send(protoName, message) { if (!this.isConnect) return this.logger.warn(`${} 尚未连接,无法发送请求。`); const protoId = ProtoId[protoName]; if (!protoId) return this.logger.warn(`找不到对应的协议Id:${protoName}`); // 请求序列号,自增 if (this.requestId > 1000000) this.requestId = 1000; const { requestId } = this; this.requestId += 1; const request = this.root[protoName].Request; const response = this.root[protoName].Response; // 处理请求数据 const reqBuffer = request.encode(request.create({ c2s: message, })).finish(); const sha1 = hexSha1(reqBuffer); const sha1Buffer = new Uint8Array(20).map((item, index) => Number(`0x${sha1.substr(index * 2, 2)}`)); this.logger.debug(`request:${protoName}(${protoId}),reqId:${requestId}`); // 处理包头 const buffer = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from('FT'), // 包头起始标志,固定为“FT” Buffer.from(new Uint32Array([protoId]).buffer), // 协议ID Buffer.from(new Uint8Array([0]).buffer), // 协议格式类型,0为Protobuf格式,1为Json格式 Buffer.from(new Uint8Array([0]).buffer), // 协议版本,用于迭代兼容, 目前填0 Buffer.from(new Uint32Array([requestId]).buffer), // 包序列号,用于对应请求包和回包, 要求递增 Buffer.from(new Uint32Array([reqBuffer.length]).buffer), // 包体长度 Buffer.from(sha1Buffer.buffer), // 包体原始数据(解密后)的SHA1哈希值 Buffer.from(new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).buffer), // 保留8字节扩展 reqBuffer, ]); // 发送请求,处理回调 this.socket.write(buffer); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.cacheResponseCallback[requestId] = (responseBuffer) => { const result = response.decode(responseBuffer).toJSON(); if (result.retType === 0) return resolve(result.s2c); const errMsg = `服务器返回结果失败,request:${protoName}(${protoId}),retType:${result.retType},reqId:${requestId},errMsg:${result.retMsg}`; this.logger.error(errMsg); return reject(new Error(errMsg)); }; }); } /** * 解析包体数据 */ parseData() { const headerLen = 44; // 包头长度 let bodyBuffer = null; // 包体buffer let bodyLen = 0; // 包体长度 let reqId = null; // 请求序列号 let protoId = null; // 请求协议Id let bodySha1 = null; // 包体sha1 // 先处理包头 if (!this.header && this.recvBuffer.length >= headerLen) { let recvSha1 = new Array(21).join('0').split('').map((item, index) => { let str = this.recvBuffer.readUInt8(16 + index).toString(16); if (str.length === 1) str = `0${str}`; return str; }); recvSha1 = recvSha1.join(''); this.header = { // 包头起始标志,固定为“FT” szHeaderFlag: String.fromCharCode(this.recvBuffer.readUInt8(0)) + String.fromCharCode(this.recvBuffer.readUInt8(1)), nProtoID: this.recvBuffer.readUInt32LE(2), // 协议ID nProtoFmtType: this.recvBuffer.readUInt8(6), // 协议格式类型,0为Protobuf格式,1为Json格式 nProtoVer: this.recvBuffer.readUInt8(7), // 协议版本,用于迭代兼容 nSerialNo: this.recvBuffer.readUInt32LE(8), // 包序列号 nBodyLen: this.recvBuffer.readUInt32LE(12), // 包体长度 arrBodySHA1: recvSha1, // 包体原数据(解密后)的SHA1哈希值 arrReserved: this.recvBuffer.slice(36, 44), // 保留8字节扩展 }; if (this.header.szHeaderFlag !== 'FT') throw new Error('接收的包头数据格式错误'); this.logger.debug(`response:${ProtoName[this.header.nProtoID]}(${this.header.nProtoID}),reqId:${this.header.nSerialNo},bodyLen:${bodyLen}`); } // 已经接收指定包体长度的全部数据,切割包体buffer if (this.header && this.recvBuffer.length >= this.header.nBodyLen + headerLen) { reqId = this.header.nSerialNo; protoId = this.header.nProtoID; bodyLen = this.header.nBodyLen; bodySha1 = this.header.arrBodySHA1; this.header = null; bodyBuffer = this.recvBuffer.slice(44, bodyLen + headerLen); this.recvBuffer = this.recvBuffer.slice(bodyLen + headerLen); const sha1 = hexSha1(bodyBuffer); if (sha1 !== bodySha1) { throw new Error(`接收的包体sha1加密错误:${bodySha1},本地sha1:${sha1}`); } // 交给回调处理包体数据 if (this.cacheResponseCallback[reqId]) { this.cacheResponseCallback[reqId](bodyBuffer); delete this.cacheResponseCallback[reqId]; } // 通知模块 if (this.cacheNotifyCallback[protoId]) { try { // 加载proto协议文件 const protoName = ProtoName[protoId]; const response = this.root[protoName].Response; const result = response.decode(bodyBuffer).toJSON(); this.cacheNotifyCallback[protoId](result.s2c); } catch (e) { const errMsg = `通知回调执行错误,response:${ProtoName[protoId]}(${protoId}),reqId:${reqId},bodyLen:${bodyLen},堆栈:${e.stack}`; this.logger.error(errMsg); throw new Error(errMsg); } } if (this.recvBuffer.length > headerLen) this.parseData(); } } } module.exports = Socket;